Árboles plantados

Terms of use reforestemos.org

Terms and conditions of use

Digital platform www.reforestemos.org

1.     Generalities

These terms and conditions (hereinafter, the “Terms and Conditions”) regulate access, navigation and use of the website www.reforestemos.org (hereinafter, the “Site”), for purchases and/or donations of trees offered by the Reforestemos Foundation (hereinafter, the “Foundation”) as part of its native reforestation project in protected wild areas.

By accepting these Terms and Conditions, users of the Site declare that they have had access to and have been informed of them in a clear, understandable and unequivocal manner, and understand that they are legally binding and obligatory. Along with the above, users declare that they have had the opportunity to download and store these Terms and Conditions.

2.     User Registration and Account Use

The user who wishes to make purchases and/or donations through the Site must do so as a registered user after creating an account or as a guest (both jointly, the “User” or the “Users”), for which they must declare that they have read, unequivocally understood and expressly accept the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.

If they have registered as a Registered User, the person must create a secret key, which will allow them to review their purchase and/or donation history, trees received and virtual forests that are associated with their account. The correct and confidential use of the secret key is the sole responsibility of the User. The registered User will have the possibility of changing the secret key, for which they must follow the instructions and procedure established on the Site.

The User has personal data referring to his or her name, address, sole tax role or identity card and email. The User guarantees the authenticity, accuracy and validity of the registered data, which will be his sole responsibility. The processing of the User’s personal data will be subject to the provisions of the Privacy Policy, available at https://www.reforestemos.org/politicas-de-privacidad-de-datos-reforestemos/.

The Foundation reserves the right to request receipts and/or additional data in order to corroborate the veracity or validity of the personal data, as well as to temporarily or permanently suspend those Users whose data could not be confirmed. In cases of disqualification, the Foundation may cancel the purchase made, returning any amount paid on the occasion of the purchase and/or donation, without generating the right to any compensation.

The registered User will be responsible for all operations carried out in and from his or her account, since access to it is restricted through the use of a secret key that is exclusively known to the registered User. The User undertakes to notify the Foundation immediately of any unauthorized use of their account and/or password, as well as entry by unauthorized third parties into it.

3.     Use of the Site

The Site and the services offered through it are directed to Users who have the legal capacity to enter into binding contracts under applicable legislation. People who do not have that capacity will not be able to use the services, and in any case, the acts that they carry out on the Site will be the exclusive responsibility of their parents, guardians, managers or curators, and therefore will be considered carried out by them in exercise of the legal representation they have.

The Site provides the User, in a clear and precise manner, with instructions for making purchases and/or donations through it. In this way, by accessing and using the Site, the User agrees to:

  • Comply with the laws of the Republic of Chile.
  • Not to damage or interfere with the normal applications of the Site, such as uploading, publishing, sending or transmitting viruses, worms, Trojan horses or any other malicious code, files or programs.
  • Not contravene, or attempt to contravene, in any way, the security and authentication measures of the Site.
  • Do not use devices, procedures or mechanisms, such as spiders and crawling robots, to locate, rescue, search, or access the Site or its content.
  • Do not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble any software or other product, process or content accessed through the Site.
  • Do not archive, download, distribute, modify, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, duplicate, publish, license, create derivative works based on the Site, offer for sale, or use any information contained on the Site, for any purpose other than those expressly authorized in these Terms and Conditions, without prior written consent of the Foundation.

4.     Certificate Purchasing Process

On the Site you can purchase 2 types of certificates:

  • Purchase: The “reforestation” certificate, which certifies the purchase of a number of trees to be planted within a specific area or project, the proof of which is sent to the email registered by the User along with a digital certificate.
  • Gift: The certificate for a “special reason”, which includes gift, condolence, birth or other certificates, and also certifies the purchase of a number of trees to be planted within a specific area or project. In this format, the certificate is sent to the User’s registered email address, and to the recipient of the gift or donation.

To make purchases of any product on the Site, the User must follow the following steps:

  • As a registered User, you must enter your email address and password. If you are not registered on the Site and wish to do so, select the “Register” option and follow the instructions to complete the registration. If you do not want to register, you can make purchases as a Guest User.
  • Enter the purchase flow.
  • Enter your Username.
  • Select how you want to contribute:

1. If you select “planting” (purchase):

  • Select the area/project you wish to contribute to.
  • Select the number of trees.
  • Select if the trees will be associated with a virtual forest, already existing or to be created, or if they will not be associated.
  • Enter a message with which you want to digitally plant the tree(s).
  • If you have not logged in as a User, enter the requested data as a guest User.
  • Choose one of the payment methods available on the Site and carry out the corresponding operation using the payment platform.
  • Once the prior confirmation has been successfully carried out, the selected payment method will be charged, and the digital reforestation certificate with the corresponding information will be sent to the User’s email.

2. If you select “gifting” (gift):

  • Select the reason for the gift or contribution.
  • Enter the name of the recipient of the certificate.
  • Select the area/project you wish to contribute to.
  • Select the number of trees.
  • Select whether the trees will be associated with an existing or to be created virtual forest, or whether they will not be associated.
  • Enter a message with which you want to send the certificate and confirm the recipient’s email.
  • If you have not logged in as a User, enter the requested data as a Guest User.
  • Choose one of the payment methods available on the Site and carry out the corresponding operation using the payment platform.
  • Once the prior confirmation has been successfully carried out, the selected payment method will be charged, and the special reason digital certificate with the corresponding information will be sent to the email of the User and the recipient of the gift.


*After completing the order, it is not possible to modify the shipping information, the recipient, the products ordered, or the payment method. If you want to modify any aspect of the purchase, write to [email protected], where the after-sales service will be provided on business days from Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

5.     Conditions applicable to the planting of trees

Trees purchased and/or donated through the Site will be physically planted in the next reforestation season corresponding to the selected area, to the extent conditions permit, as determined by the Foundation.

Considering the destination of the trees, and the special objective of the purchase and/or donation through this Site, Users declare to renounce exercising any right regarding the trees that they have purchased and/or donated through the Site, which They would be planted by the Foundation for their growth and development in the natural environment, in the locations that the Foundation has defined or defines, according to what is indicated below.

The User declares to know that the location coordinates of each tree are approximate and could have a margin of difference with the real location of the tree. To avoid leaving residue, the trees on the ground do not have material elements that allow exact identification. Additionally, some of the Foundation’s plantations are located in areas that are difficult to access since they are located on sloping surfaces, narrow roads and/or under adverse weather conditions. Therefore, the Foundation declares that it is not responsible for providing the means that allow correct identification or access, by Users, to the trees planted by it. Likewise, the User declares to know and accept that the trees purchased and/or donated will be planted on land owned by third parties.

The User declares that he knows and accepts that the Foundation is not responsible for the growth or survival of the trees planted by it, considering that these are planted in natural environments, and that they are exposed to biological and climatic factors and to facts or circumstances beyond their control. of the foundation.

Regarding the survival percentages of trees, Fundación Reforestemos points out that in the development of a forest there is natural competition between species, which is why not all individuals reach adulthood. Fundación Reforestemos has survival rates for its plantations above 65%, which is considered successful in the planting of native species.

Therefore, when purchasing and/or donating a tree through the Site, the User understands and accepts that not all planted trees, including those that he himself may have purchased and/or donated through the Site, will reach the adulthood. The above does not prevent trees from being a fundamental factor for the formation, stimulation and development of new forests and ecosystems. To learn more about the procedures of the Foundation’s projects, you can review the technical reports at https://www.reforestemos.org/nuestro-proyecto/informes-tecnicos/.

In the event that certain projects have obviously unfavorable results (survival less than 50%), replanting will be evaluated to improve the density of the project. In critical events, where the results tend to be zero due to natural catastrophes (fires, drought, landslides, etc.) or there are changes in the circumstances of the places defined for planting the trees that do not make their use advisable, and If the Foundation determines the unviability of the project, the Foundation will be empowered to relocate the reforestation to another area that meets better conditions, reassigning the location/coordinates of the trees. The Foundation will not be obliged to inform the User of the reassignment and/or relocation of the trees in question.

If you want to know more details or have any questions, write to us at [email protected].

6.     Sending digital certificates

Certificates are sent automatically through a platform, immediately upon completing the payment and confirming the purchase. If you do not receive the certificate, which may occur for reasons such as incorrect data entry, corporate emails with filters or platform problems, please contact [email protected] where the sending of the certificate will be followed up and resolved.

7.     Exchange and Money Refund Policy

A.    Return or exchanges

In the event that the User withdraws from the purchase, the period to request withdrawal is up to 24 hours from confirmation.

To request a change in the certificate, the User must write to the email [email protected], detailing the reason.

B.     Money back terms

In case of withdrawal, the maximum refund period will be up to 10 business days from the date on which the money refund is approved.

The User must provide the information of the bank account to which the return must be managed, in case they have paid with a debit card, in addition to a printout of the card that reflects the movements.

In purchases made with a credit card, the card administrator will be notified, and the refund will correspond to the total purchase, regardless of the number of installments used in the purchase. The return period in this case will depend on the card administrator.

8.     Prices

The prices of the products and services available on the Site will not be applicable to other sales channels used by other distributors. Prices will be established in Chilean pesos and dollars, and correspond exclusively to the value of the good offered.

9.     Payment methods

A.    Bank cards

The User has the following payment options:

  • Credit cards with Transbank platform agreement
  • Debit Cards with Transbank platform agreement
  • PayPal

The prices and conditions offered through the Site may be different from those offered in physical stores and/or online by other retailers. The simple inclusion of products in the “shopping cart” does not imply their reservation by the consumer.

Orders paid by credit card are subject to approval by the card administrator and fraud verification tools.

B.    Gift Cards

The exchange of a Gift Card will be governed by these Terms and Conditions, and its use must be complete and not partial at the time of purchase, that is, the entire amount of the Gift Card must be used in the respective purchase, not being able to use any remaining balance for a next purchase.

10. Site Security

The Site maintains high security standards in the purchase of products and in the event that difficulties occur that prevent or delay the purchase of products, the Foundation will adopt the necessary measures, according to the technological means available, in order to normalize continuity. and normal functioning of the Site.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Foundation does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the services of the Site, and is not responsible for damages in any concept and nature related to delays, failures, errors, service interruptions, malfunctions of the Site , delays, omissions or loss of transmitted information, viruses or other contaminating or destructive elements of a computer nature that may be transmitted and could cause damage to your computer system.

11. Intellectual property

All content included on this site, such as text, artwork, logos, button icons, source code, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations and trademarks, are the property of the Foundation, or its content suppliers, and are protected by intellectual property laws.

Copying of any material protected by intellectual property, as well as modification, transformation, reproduction or retransmission through any site, is prohibited.

12. Communications

By virtue of accepting these Terms and Conditions, the User authorizes the Foundation to send electronic communications on the occasion of access, navigation, purchase and use of the services and products of the Site, such as registration confirmation emails, authorizations of payment, and others related to the account and products purchased through the Site.

The User agrees to receive communications from the Foundation, such as news about new features of the Site, special offers, advertising and customer surveys by email or other electronic means. In any case, the User will always have the possibility of requesting the suspension of said promotional communications, in which case the Foundation will immediately stop sending them.

13.  Validity of the Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions will be effective from the date of their publication on the Site.

In the event of modifications to the Terms and Conditions, Users will be informed of these through the Site and/or by email.

14. Conflict Resolution

Any difficulty or controversy that may arise regarding the application, interpretation, duration, validity or execution of these Terms and Conditions will be submitted to the competent ordinary courts of justice, without prejudice to the User’s right to exercise the legal rights that correspond to them. .

15. Applicable Law and Divisibility

These Terms and Conditions will be governed by the laws of the Republic of Chile.

If any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions are declared void, illegal or inapplicable, the validity, legality and application of the remaining provisions will remain in force.

16. Legal Representative

For all legal purposes and, with the purpose that Site Users can communicate with Fundación Reforestemos, Suzanne Wylie Moir is designated as legal representative, domiciled for these purposes at Presidente Errazuriz 3202 of 1, contact email: contacto@ reforestemos.org. The legal status of Suzanne Wylie Moir to represent Fundación Reforestemos is stated in the public deed dated August 9, 2013, granted under code 2899-2013 before the Notary Public of the 6th Notary of Santiago de Chile, of Mr. Alberto Rojas López.

Soledad Corti Otaegui

Soledad Corti Otaegui de Chile ha plantado 1 árbol en la Patagonia.