The rebuild of large areas of native forests, ensuring a better future for our ecosystems and for the planet.
Planted trees
Communes impacted in 12 regions of Chile, Argentina and Peru
Volunteers active on the ground
Types of projects
We address the problem of deforestation in a comprehensive manner, with a 360º plan that includes different actions to promote, educate and raise awareness about native forests.
We Reforest Together with the Leading Institutions of Chile
Our mission
We work on the recovery, protection and restoration of degraded ecosystems, recovering areas of high ecological value, generating culture and environmental awareness.
DONATION: erbas Buenas, Botalcura, Camarico, Carretones, Casas viejas, Cauquenes, Cerrillos, Chacarillas, Chagres, Chanco, Cobquecura, Colbún, Colin, Constitución, Corinto, Corralones, Culpeo, Cumpeo, Curepto, Curico, El Carmen, El Cerrillo, El Frutillar, El Roble, Estancilla, Galpones, Hualañe, Huelón Alto, Huelón Bajo, Huilquilemu, La Obra, La Orilla, La Tercera, Las Lomas, Licanten, Lien, Limavida, Linares, Lircay, Longavi, Maule, Melozal, Mercedes, Miraflores, Monte Alegre, Panguilemo, Panimávida, Paraguay, Pelarco, Pelluhue, Pencahue, Placilla de Lien, Poblacion, Qda de Reyes, Queri, Rauco, Rio Claro, Romeral, San Clemente, San Gerardo, San José, San Juan Maule, San Rafael, Santa Rosa, Talca, Teno, Tierra Amarilla, Vichuquen, Vilches, Villa Alegre, Vuelta El Alamo, Yerbas Buenas
FIRE PREVENTION: Curico, Linares, Vichuquén, San Javier
SMALL OWNERS PROGRAM: Constitución, Linares, Longaví, Maule, San Javier
Región de Ñuble
DONATION : Bulnes, Camino a portezuelo, Cato, Chillan, Chillan Viejo, Chillancito, Cobquecura, Coelemu, Coihueco, El Carmen, El Quillay, Florida, Llollinco, Los Colihues, Maule Larqui, Mutupin, Nahueltoro, Niblinto, Ninhue, Ñiquen, Ñuble, Pemuco, Pinto, Portezuelo, Quillon, Quilmo, Quirihue, Ranquil, San Carlos, San Fabián, San Ignacio, San Nicolas,
Trehuaco, Yumbel, Yungay
Región de Bío Bío
REFORESTATION: San Rosendo, Concepción, Chiguayante, Hualpén, Tomé, Santa Juana
DONATION: Hualqui, Concepción, Yumbel, Hualpén, La Florida, Chiguayante, San Pedro de la Paz, Biobío, Bulnes, Nacimiento, Pinto, Quillón, Talcahuano, Coronel, Isla Mocha, Santa Juana, Talcahuano